Ear Nose Throat
Frequently asked questions
This page has common Frequently Asked questions about Ear Nose Throat diseases and treatments. Doctor V.Shankar Kumar an Experienced ENT Surgeon in Chennai has replied these FAQs which will be very useful for all of us

Its not advisable to use ear buds. Wax secreted in the ear canals have a protective function safeguarding the ear from infection. The wax is also a lubricant & prevents the ear canals from becoming excessively dry. For these reasons it’s good to have some wax in the ears. Removal of the wax may to ear infections.
Indiscriminate usage of ear buds can traumatise the canal & rarely the ear drum as well. The wax can also get jammed in the ear canals leading to a lot of discomfort.

In today’s world communication has become very important. Many are dependent on their voice to carry out their profession (Singers & Teachers). In the modern world the spectrum of professional voice users has increased.
The following guidelines would be useful to take care of one’s voice:
- Cultivate good voice habits by avoiding shouting & screaming (which could strain the Vocal cords)
- A professional voice user must learn to use the voice optimally
- Treat coexisting conditions like Nasal allergies & Sinusitis
- Control of Acidity & heartburns by modification diet & lifestyle.
- Good hydration by consuming plenty of water & fluids
- Consult with the Best ENT Specialist for symptoms of persistent hoarseness

Sudden ear ache could be due to many reasons, but we will highlight some of the more common ones. If the patient has a past history of pain due to hard wax, drops to soften the wax may be used with simple painkillers the patient is accustomed to taking. It is wise to see an Experienced ENT Specialist in about two to three days.
If there is a history of a severe cold & muffled hearing along with ear ache, this could mostly be a middle ear infection. Again painkillers the patient is accustomed to may be taken. Relief can be obtained by use of nasal decongestants (as nasal drops) & steam inhalations. If the condition worsens its better to see a Best ENT Doctor
Another common cause for earache is a tooth infection. This is called a referred ear pain. If there is swelling & pain in the gums/tooth along with ear ache a visit to the Dentist is needed. Painkillers may be taken to tide over the crisis.

Vertigo includes a spectrum of disorders due to a number of causes. Balance Rehabilitation exercises plays an important role in treatment of dizzy patients. The exercises prescribed for each patient is tailor made. The rehabilitation exercises help in
a) Improving compensation. Compensation refers to the overall functional & psychological recovery a patient shows following dizziness. They improve the confidence of patients by providing progressively challenging situations
b) Rehabilitation exercises also gradually decrease the need for the patient to be dependent on long term medications.
It is advisable to consult a vertigo treatment doctor in the initial stage of the vertigo Dizziness to avoid medications & surgery

Sudden hearing loss is a condition wherein there is sudden deterioration of hearing in one or both ears over a time frame of 24 hours. The hearing loss may be something trivial like wax in the ear canals or a decreased hearing following a cold. In these situations there will be discomfort in the ears (in wax) or a history of cold with accompanying pain.
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing loss (SSNHL) is a condition wherein the cochlea is damaged to varying degrees. This condition may be accompanied by ringing sensation in the ear (Tinnitus) & Dizziness. The Ear Nose Throat doctor can immediately make a diagnosis of SSNHL by examination & testing (Audiometry). SSNHL requires immediate treatment. This may include the use of Steroids (orally) or Steroids administered Intratympanically (meaning injecting through the ear drum).

The caution word is “Use with discretion & caution”. Prolonged usage is best avoided. Keep the volume levels down to the just audible level. Avoid using earphones in noisy surroundings as there will be a need to increase the volume in the earphones.
By judiciously using earphones one can prevent noise induced hearing loss.

The tonsils are a pair of Lymphatic organs (much like the Lymph glands elsewhere) situated inside the throat. The tonsils is part of the Immune system & helps us to combat infection entering into the body by way of the throat.
Tonsillitis refers to a condition when the Tonsils are infected. The infection may be acute (short duration), chronic (longer duration) or recurrent.
Acute tonsillitis may be secondary to Viral Infection or Bacterial Infection. Viral tonsillitis needs to be treated with pain killers, antipyretics (for fever) & throat gargles. Bacterial tonsillitis needs to be treated with antibiotics in addition to above medicines. Acute bacterial tonsillitis is commonly due to Streptococcal bacterial infection (also referred to as Strept sore throat). This has to be treated aggressively, since untreated strept throat may lead to a condition called Rheumatic fever.
Chronic & recurrent tonsillitis may require surgical removal (Tonsillectomy) if medical treatment fails to improve the condition.