sinus & facial pain
Pain in the region of the face & sinuses may be due to
Sinusitis (acute ie of a recent onset ) or a chronic pain ( due to chronic sinusitis).
A sinus pain is felt more as a pressure or a fullness in the face particularly in the cheeks. Acute sinus infections are treated with painkillers, decongestants & antibiotics (only if felt necessary). Patients with chronic sinusitis may require surgery if conservative medical treatment fails. Read More about Endoscopic surgery for Chronic sinusitis
Dental infections
The majority of Sinus infections have their origin in the nasal cavity. That’s why its called “RHINOSINUSITIS”, meaning infection in the nose (Rhino) & the Sinuses.
A small category of patients have their sinus infections which can be traced to the teeth. The molar teeth are very close the Maxillary sinus (the sinus in the the cheek) being separated only by thin layer of bone. Its quite easy for Infection from the molar tooth/teeth to spread to the maxillary sinus. Infections which commonly enter the maxillary sinuses from the molar tooth/teeth include Dental abscess & Gum abscess.
Certain dental procedures like dental fillings can also be the source of maxillary sinus infection. The ENT Specialist must have a high index of suspicion in diagnosis of such conditions. Investigations like Plain X ray or better still a CT Scan can help in confirming the diagnosis.
Problems with the temporomandibular joint ( TMJ)
TMJ problems are usually accompanied by difficulty in opening the mouth fully, pain on opening the mouth & a clicking sound in front of the ear. TMJ problems are addressed by the Dental surgeons as they are always secondary to dental conditions.
Neurological pain (called Trigeminal neuralgia)
The pain in trigeminal neuralgia is radiating. The pain starts in the region of the ear & radiates to the forehead, check or the lower jaw. Trigeminal neuralgia is due to irritation of a nerve called the trigeminal nerve. The patient needs to see a neurologist.